Monday, February 4, 2013

Dress Codes

I have worked at several schools.  I have worked at private schools.  I have worked at public schools.  I have worked in after-school programs and as a pullout teacher.  And I have found that one thing in different wherever you go - dress codes for teachers.

I don't know about you, but lately there is a wide range of great websites featuring people with great style.  And while I don't think mine nearly matches some of these amazing women out there, I do have one thing ---  AN EXTREMELY STRICT DRESS CODE!

-jeans denim of any color : that means pants, skirts, jackets, dresses (do they make denim dresses?)
-shorts - nope, no way, no how
-sweatpants or workout pants
- tank tops
- flip flops
-boots (I know, this is THE hardest part of our dress code)
-skirts shorter than knee length

It's pretty strict, and I'll admit to not going as 'business-y' as the boss would like, but it's hard to wear dry-clean-only when you're hugging kids with paint, snot and glue all over their hands every other minute.

I do the best I can, and hope to share some of my ideas and outfits with you!

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